Sutcliffe Research Group
Sutcliffe Research Group

MANchester DRug Analysis & Knowledge Exchange (MANDRAKE)

"Who we are" - Profiles of the MANDRAKE management team and how to contact us.

MANDRAKE's research and findings have been published in peer-reviewed journals - click on the button to see these articles.

Repository of Public Health Information and Harm Reduction Alerts issued by MANDRAKE and its partners.

MANchester DRug Analysis and Knowledge Exchange (or MANDRAKE) - is a licenced scientific resource, based at Manchester Metropolitan University, working in partnership with key stakeholders to facilitate rapid, robust and cost-effective chemical analysis for both harm-reduction and intelligence sharing.


MANDRAKE is England's FIRST publicly-funded permanent city-centre based testing and harm reduction facility, operating since 2016, supporting openscience and agencies working towards safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the public. The partnership which operates two permenant state-of-the-art, fully equipped laboratories, is working on a number of intelligence sharing projects to safeguard communities through drug awareness & harm-reduction.


The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has commissioned Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and MANDRAKE to monitor emerging substance use trends and changes in drug markets across Greater Manchester. Our multi-method research approach (GM TRENDS) has never been adopted before in the UK. Click below for further information:

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© Oliver Sutcliffe